Thursday, December 28, 2006

mahjong, shopping, driving.

gosh i played mahjong with veron, choon heng, juncheng(who gave me luck and left early) and ashley(who came late and took my luck away) from 10:30am to 8pm today. had lunch break for about 1 hour lar. heh heh. quite fun, because we played with the plastic chips and and we needed at least 2 tai to win.

anyway, yesterday i finally went to apply for my basic theory test for driving! woohoo! test date on 10 feb. how exciting :p. sheesh need to study again, may my brain still work.

after that, i went shopping with my mom at J8, and bought all of my working clothes! hmmx i think i might prefer working at a place with uniform, it's really more affordable. before i start working, i already spent so much money on clothes. heh. but i guess if you have great fashion sense, it can be quite fun lar.

yay going to have more outings on sat and sun. i'm pretty tired, and my room's all messed up still. got to start doing some work...

take care and haf fun while you still can everyone :)!

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